January Environmental Education: What to Do
Start the New Year by Getting Outside: January Environmental Education Events with Bedford Audubon
January 1 starts a fresh year, and a new bird list! You can start adding to your list right away by joining Bedford Audubon for a winter walk this month! We welcome new and experienced birders and lovers of nature– if you need to borrow binoculars or a field guide, just let us know. Can’t wait to see you on the trail!
Monday, January 1, Science in Action: Pawling County Christmas Bird Count. Contact Carena Pooth at pawlingcbc@watermanbirdclub.org for details and to sign up.
Tuesday, January 9, 8am-1pm, Field Trip: Explore Greenwich Point with Naturalist Tait Johansson. Brant, Long-tailed Ducks, scoters, goldeneyes, loons, and other waterbirds expected, along with interesting landbirds. Depart Bylane at 7am, or meet in the lot on the right after the gatehouse by 8am. Free. Level of physical difficulty: Easy. Dress warm. Please register with Susan at info@bedfordaudubon.org or at 914.302.9713.
Wednesday, January 10, 7pm, Lecture: Bears in Your Backyard with Mianus River Gorge’s Preserve Manager Budd Veverka at the Katonah Village Library. Join us for an in-depth look at a potential new arrival to backyards around our region, black bears. Budd’s long-time study of the species and first-hand experience along with his outgoing and personable nature will make this an enjoyable presentation. From walking your dog to feeding the birds, learn how to peacefully co-exist with these large charismatic mammals. Discover the research being conducted by Mianus River Gorge and their regional partners to map black bear occurrences and movements in Westchester, Putnam, and Fairfield Counties. Get an understanding of black bear biology and why black bears are moving into our area. Free. No need to register—we’ll see you at 7 for refreshments and the lecture will begin at 7:30. Please bring a reusable mug to reduce your ecological footprint.
Thursdays in January & February (starting January 11), 1 hour before sunset, Science in Action: EagleWatch. Naturalist Tait Johansson and his team from Bedford Audubon and Saw Mill River Audubon will monitor roosting Bald Eagles within the Lower Hudson Valley Important Bird Area (IBA). Family friendly—a fun way to introduce ecology to your kids! If you’re interested in this exciting community science project, please email Tait at tjohansson@bedfordaudubon.org or call 914.232.1999.
Thursday, January 18, 7:30am-9:30am, Third Thursday Bird Walk: Maple Avenue in Katonah with Naturalist Tait Johansson. Mark the passing of the seasons and changing of birds by birding at this local hotspot. Free. Meet at the dam. Level of physical difficulty: Easy. Please let us know if you’d like to borrow binoculars. Please register with Susan at info@bedfordaudubon.org or 914.302.9713.
Saturday, January 20, 10am-12noon, Nature Walk: Winter Tree Identification at Muscoot Farm with Naturalist Tait Johansson. Tait will teach you how to use a tree’s structure, bark, and other clues to ID it even after the leaves have fallen. Family friendly, but all children must be accompanied by an adult. Free. Level of physical difficulty: Easy. Dress warm. Please register with Susan at info@bedfordaudubon.org or 914.302.9713.
Saturday, January 27, 3-6 pm, Field Trip: Shawangunk Grasslands National Wildlife Refuge with Naturalist Tait Johansson. Join Tait on this early evening expedition to find Rough-legged Hawks, Northern Harriers, and Short-eared Owls. Family friendly for children 12 years and older accompanied by an adult. Depart Bylane at 1:30pm. Free. Level of physical difficulty: Easy. Dress warm. Please register with Susan at info@bedfordaudubon.org or 914.302.9713.
Photo Credit: Northern Harrier by Mick Thompson.