Brown Creeper

Brown Creeper by Bedford AudubonJan 24, 2022About Birds0 comments The Brown Creeper (Certhia americana) is an inconspicuous and often overlooked member of our local avifauna. This stealthy bird’s speckled brown upperparts camouflage it well, and its high-pitched,...

10 Years of MAPS

Located in Hunt-Parker Sanctuary and established in 2009, Bedford Audubon Society’s MAPS station marks its 10th Anniversary this summer. MAPS, which stands for Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship, is a continental-wide research effort that aims to...


Accipiters Each fall, ridgetops throughout the northeastern United States play host to flights of migrating hawks. The most spectacular of these in our area are the flocks of Broad-winged Hawks that pass through in mid-September. But providing the most consistent...

Baltimore & Orchard Oriole

Baltimore & Orchard Oriole One of the most notable avian events of May, a month with no shortage of such events, is the return of our two species of oriole from their Mexican and Central American wintering grounds. The arrival of such tropical-looking birds has...

Barred Owl

Barred Owl The Barred Owl (Strix varia) is a common inhabitant of larger forest tracts and wooded wetlands in our area, though it, like many other nocturnal creatures, is seldom seen by humans. This species can be distinguished from our two other most commonly...