Bylane Farm
Brant by Hillary Eggers
Bylane Farm was generously donated by the family of Mary Welsh Parker in 2001. Dating to the early 1700s, Bylane is a treasure that we’re renovating using water- and energy- efficient practices and eco-friendly materials to reduce our ecological footprint while celebrating its history.
Today, Bylane Farm is our center of operations, co-located with our Leon Levy Native Habitat Garden at Bedford Audubon and the Hunt-Parker Sanctuary. Bylane hosts our offices, conference and meeting space, and the John L. Bull Library of books, manuscripts, and paintings, as well as housing for our Naturalist-in-Residence, seasonal staff and interns, and visiting researchers and speakers.
Visit us at Bylane Farm
Please call ahead (914-232-1999) if you’d like to meet with staff.
- From Route 35 take Route 22 North towards Goldens Bridge.
- Todd Road will be your 4th right.
- Bylane Farm is located about a half mile down the road, where the road surface changes from dirt to pavement.
- Look for a small historic white sign on the left side of the road.
- There’s a small gravel lot just past the building. If that lot is filled, there is additional parking across the street.
- An entrance to meet with Staff is located at the top of the stone steps that begin to the left of the garage.
- For all other purposes, please enter through the Leon Levy Native Habitat Garden and ring the bell at the front door.
Our offices are open most weekdays, but please call ahead if you would like to stop in and visit us: (914) 232-1999.
Our sanctuary trails are open to the public from dawn to dusk, seven days a week.

Bylane Farm by Bob Rohr