Planned Giving

Rainbow at Bylane Farm by Tait Johansson

Consider your legacy at Bedford Audubon when you’re planning your last will and testament. Your bequest of any size can have a lasting impact on conservation and our community for generations to come.

There are a number of ways you can include Bedford Audubon in your estate planning, but please consult with a financial planner and attorney to receive the best financial advantages and to ensure your intentions are carried out fully.

  • Specific, Residuary, & Contingent Bequests. Name Bedford Audubon as a beneficiary of your will or trust, to receive a specific gift from your estate, to receive a portion or all of the residue of your estate, or to be the contingent beneficiary.
  • Retirement Accounts & Pension Plans. Name Bedford Audubon as the beneficiary of your retirement account and gain tax incentives.
  • Real Estate: Donate real estate or land holdings to Bedford Audubon. Your donation could be a priority natural area intended for permanent protection or real estate intended for sale. If you are considering a gift of real estate, please talk with us first to ensure your gift fits within our conservation priorities.
  • Insurance. Name Bedford Audubon as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy and receive immediate tax advantages. A quest of insurance enables you to guarantee a large future gift at a small cost now.

Bequests should include a statement, such as “I bequeath (sum of money or percentage of my estate) to Bedford Audubon Society, Inc. (EIN: 13-6220779), a not-for-profit organization with offices at 35 Todd Road, Katonah, New York 10536, for its general purposes.”

For more information about including Bedford Audubon in your estate planning, please email

If you have already provided for us in your plans, please let us know in writing at 35 Todd Road, Katonah, New York 10536, so we may include you among our Legacy Circle.