November Nature Almanac: What to Look for

by Oct 31, 2017News0 comments

November Nature Almanac

By Tait Johansson, Naturalist

1     Compton Tortoiseshell and Mourning Cloak butterflies now looking for places to spend the winter in under the bark of dead trees, wooden shingles, and other sheltered places.

4     Full Moon.

5     Red-shouldered and Red-tailed Hawk migration peaking about now, the Red-tails generally preferring days with stronger winds than the Red-shoulders.

17-18 Leonids meteor shower; greatest numbers of meteors expected on both dates in the hours between midnight and dawn.

25    Look for the brilliant red berries of Winterberry, a deciduous holly, in low, wet areas. Later on in winter, frugivorous bird species like American Robins, Eastern Bluebirds, and Cedar Waxwings often feed on these fruits.

Photo Credit: Charlotte Catalano



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