Eastern Phoebe & Wood-Pewee

by Jan 22, 2016About Birds8 comments

The Eastern Phoebe (Sayornis phoebe), is a familiar species to most in our area, often found building its nest of mud and moss under the eaves of houses and other buildings, especially near water. This bird, though not at all brightly colored, is a conspicuous one, not only because of its tendency to live near people, but its habit of perching in the open to wait for an insect to fly by, at which point it flits out to try to catch the insect with a snap of its bill. The phoebe has a lesser-known cousin easily confused with it, the Eastern Wood-Pewee (Contopus virens).

The Wood-Pewee is, as its name suggests, largely a bird of the woodlands (especially deciduous woodlands), and as such is not as easily seen as the Phoebe, but will also often stay on a perch with a good view of the surrounding area to flycatch, and can stand out from the surrounding vegetation more when they do. Wood-Pewees nest in trees, often quite high up in them, and usually not close to houses.

These two species look very similar, but have several good characteristics that can be used to distinguish them. Both species are smallish (6-7 inches long), with drab grayish upperparts (with a darker gray on the wings, cap, and tail), thin, sharp bills, and lighter upperparts, lightest on the belly. The most striking difference between the two species is a behavioral one. The Phoebe flicks its tail in a kind of “wagging” motion when perched, and does this often enough that it can often be immediately identified by this action. Perched Wood-Pewees do not wag their tails.

Voice is another very useful clue. The Phoebe is named for its sneezy, unmelodic song, which does sound a bit like the bird is saying “FEE-bee! (pause) Fee-BEE? (pause) FEE-bee! (pause)” etc., with the emphasis alternated between song phrases. The Wood-Pewee gives a whistled, pure “Pee-a-wee?” and sometimes a shorter “Pee-urr” with a similar whistled tone. The Wood-Pewee’s vocalizations also tend to be uttered less frequently than the Phoebe’s, so that the effect is more that of someone giving only a laconic remark now and then, where a singing Phoebe sounds like it’s having a rather animated conversation with itself.

There are also a few subtle differences in coloration. A close look at a Wood-Pewee’s bill will reveal a yellowish-orange lower mandible contrasting with the blackish upper mandible, whereas the Phoebe’s bill is all dark. The Wood-Pewee also has a thin white eye-ring, lacking in the Phoebe. Finally, Wood-Pewees have two whitish wing-bars (buffy in young birds), which adult Phoebes lack. Juvenile Phoebes, however, can show two faint wing-bars—so if it’s possible you’re looking at a young bird (which are generally only present from mid-summer through fall), it’s best to use this character with some caution.


  1. Sarah Randall

    This is helpful. Thanks!

  2. Beverly

    Thank you for this comparison. It is so helpful. I have been seeing the Phoebe in my yard here in Connecticut. At least I think that’s what they are and next time I’ll make sure to watch the tail and look for those wing bars.

  3. Jim Brinn

    I have a log home in western Michigan with a small pond out front. A pair of Eastern Phoebe’s return each year to utilized the same nest under the eave at the rear of my house. I often wonder if they are the same pair or offspring’s?

  4. James Stamps

    I live in west central Alabama and usually have an eastern phoebe around in the winter. This year a phoebe is very friendly and will light on my arm and peck at the hair on my arm. Is this common?

  5. ArtsyGirl18

    Have spent quite some time in the last two days trying to identify who was building a nest on our porch – finally narrowed down to the Wood Pe-Wee and the Phoebe, and thanks to your description now know it is, indeed, an Eastern Phoebe.

  6. Michele Cote

    Great article. Thank you!

  7. Jonathan Birchall

    Very helpful, thanks!

  8. Eileen Hammond

    I love the Eastern Wood Pewee. I love hearing his song in my woods and watching him dip down in my pool for bugs.


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