Tait Johansson


Bylane Farm by Bob Rohr

Tait Johansson

Why I’m passionate about Bedford Audubon:

I love nature, and everyday there is less of it in the world than there was the day before. Human pressure through development and population growth continues to press down on what nature we have left—but I feel lucky to work for Bedford Audubon, an organization with many talented people committed to saving as much as we can.

More about me:

I grew up in Vermont, where I started birding 34 years ago, with encouragement and assistance from my local Audubon Chapter. You might not know that in college, and during in a brief stint in a PhD program, I studied philosophy. After two autumns as the Counter at Bedford Audubon’s Chestnut Ridge Hawkwatch, I started working full time here in 2002.

My favorite bird is the:

Three-wattled Bellbird (of Central America), or really any species of hummingbird.

Ask me about:

Whether an omnipotent, omniscient God could create a bird so hard to identify that He would have to look it up in the Sibley Guide.

Contact me:
