June Nature Almanac 5 Look for Hobomok Skippers, a small but striking orange, brown, and yellow butterfly, zipping by you as you walk along the edges of deciduous woods. 9 Full Moon. 15 Listen for Eastern Gray Tree Frogs’ loud, ringing, bird-like trill on warm...
May Nature Almanac May 2017 5-6 Eta Aquariid meteor shower. 10 Full moon. Approximate peak of spring bird migration. 15 Female turtles of several different species headed to specific egg-laying localities. When r escuing a turtle from a road, always put it on the...
April Nature Almanac April 2017 1 Many shorter-distance migrant birds now arriving or passing through, among them Northern Flicker, both Ruby-crowned and Golden-crowned Kinglets, many sparrow species, and a few of our earliest warblers like Pine and Yellow-rumped. 5 ...
March Nature Almanac March 2017 10 Some wintering waterfowl already returning north for the breeding season. 12 Full Moon. 15 Great Blue Herons now returning to our area and starting to refurbish old nests in their rookeries. 20 Vernal Equinox; first day of...
February Nature Almanac February 2017 10 Full Moon. 15 Listen for the Red Fox’s harsh, screechy bark, usually given at night, as their mating season commences. 25 Sap starting to run in Sugar Maples. 28 The first migrant Red-winged Blackbirds, Common...
January Nature Almanac January 2017 20 Look for springtails, or “snow fleas”, tiny arthropods that are not fleas at all (or even insects) on snow during a thaw. 25 Look for foxes and coyotes stalking and pouncing on voles in low meadows, especially when there is...
December Nature Almanac 5 White-footed Mice (and there are lots of them this year!) moving into homes and outbuildings for the winter. Secure that birdseed! 13-14 Geminid meteor shower, mid-evening until dawn (though a Full Moon will make this typically prolific...