February 2023 Programs Let us win your hearts this month and help you fall in love with nature! We’ve got you covered from bird walks, Bald Eagle sightings, garden planning and doing, and so much more. What birds might you see on or around the 8-mile-long...
A Message from our Teen Council President Meet Cat Curry, President of our Teen Council, as she talks about what being part of Bedford Audubon has meant to her… If I’ve learned anything in the final years of my high school career, it is the company you keep is...
November Lecture: Learn About Local River Otters Don’t miss Sarah Walkley’s lecture this November on “River Otter Behavior + Vocalizations in Westchester County and Beyond.” River otters are a secretive but very welcome member of...
Lecture: Artificial Light and its Effect on Birds & Wildlife with Dr. Alan Clark Please come to our September 11th lecture, Artificial Light and its Effect on Birds & Wildlife, presented by Biology Professor & former Bedford Audubon President Dr. J. Alan...
Red-breasted Nuthatch by Nick Filannino
Do You Want To Attract More Birds All Year? Buy premium seed and suet to support connecting people to nature! This spring, buy your bird seed from Bedford Audubon to support the birds and your local Audubon chapter at the same time! You’ll give migrating and...
Free Lecture “Vultures: The Private Life of an Unloved Bird” on June 14 Join us for a free public lecture on “Vultures: The Private Life of an Unloved Bird” with author Katie Fallon on Wednesday, June 14 at the Katonah Village Library Vultures...
Come to our free public lecture “Timing is Everything: Plants, Pollinators, & People” with Kerissa Battle on March 8 Join us on Wednesday, March 8 for a free public lecture on Timing is Everything: Plants, Pollinators, & People. Phenology is the...
5 Animal Tracks to Look for in Your Backyard Five Animal Tracks to Look for in Your Backyard By Katherine Dunn, Bedford Audubon Correspondent To my fellow New Yorkers: there are cool critters shuffling through your yard this winter—and I’m not talking about your dog...
Learn about young forest habitat & the New England Cottontail with Kevin Clarke February 8 Join us on Wednesday, February 8 for a lecture on how the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s new Young Forest Initiative is at work in the Hudson...