Summer Garden Intern

Summer Garden Intern Native Garden Intern Bedford Audubon Society is seeking a rising college senior or graduate student to fill a 10-week paid internship position this summer. The ideal candidate is pursuing a degree in botany, horticulture, landscape architecture or...

2022 Spring Seed Sale Shop is Open!

Spring is a great time to feed the birds… Birds are on the move at this time of year, whether they’re coming “home” to nest or just passing through. Either way, you’re sure to get pleasure from seeing them at your feeder! And when you...

An Appeal from Bill Cavers

An Appeal from Bill Cavers Please join our year-end appeal. Your generosity will help us help birds. Dear Friends, I first felt awed by the beauty and power of nature in my early 30’s, on sailing trips off the New England coast. I would close my eyes and feel the...

We’re Hiring!

We’re Hiring! Bedford Audubon seeks a passionate, dynamic, and inspirational leader to serve as its next Executive Director. As the “face” of one of the oldest Audubon chapters in the country, the successful candidate will drive growth while leading all aspects...

A Message from Member Linnet Tse

A Message from Member Linnet Tse C A L L   T O   A C T I O N Please join our Spring Appeal, our mid-year fundraiser that helps keep us going. Your contribution will directly impact the success of our mission. Here at Bedford Audubon, we are grateful for the wonderful...

Going once, going twice, going ONLINE!

At 7:00pm on May 13th, the “doors” will open to A Week of Wonder Springathon starting with an online auction kick-off  event. The Week of Wonder runs from May 13-20 and will include an online aution, special events, bird walks, and more! Proceeds from the auction will...