February Nature Almanac: What to Look for
February Nature Almanac
By Tait Johansson, Naturalist
1 Look for the small, paired tracks of Mink by streams, ponds, and lakes, often leading onto the ice or into the water.
12 As the days lengthen, on sunny mornings listen for an increase in singing from our winter birds such as chickadees, titmice, Carolina Wrens, and cardinals.
15 Red Maple flower buds now swelling in preparation for bloom, bringing a subtle reddish tinge to our wooded swamps.
20 Bald Eagles likely to be already incubating eggs in their massive stick nests along the Hudson and near local reservoirs.
25 Male Red-winged Blackbirds now returning to set up territories in anticipation of the arrival of females.

Lecture: Don Riepe on Jamaica Bay
This February, learn about Jamaica Bay – a critical habitat for wildlife where 340+ species of birds have been recorded over the past 50 years.

February Environmental Education: What to Do
Look no further for nature walks, field trips, and workshops this month!

Bylane Book Club: The Life List of Adrian Maldrick
Stay warm while connecting with nature by joining our book club this January.

January Environmental Education: What to Do
Look no further for nature walks, field trips, and workshops this month!

Public Lecture: The Bronx Zoo Tales by Kevin Hils
This January, join us to hear Kevin Hils, Ornithology Collection Manager at the Wildlife Conservation Society at the Bronx Zoo tell his stories!

December Environmental Education: What to Do
Take a break from holiday festivities by joining us for a bird walk this month!

November Environmental Education: What to Do
Look no further for nature walks, field trips, and lectures this month!

October Environmental Programs: What to Do
Fall into cooler weather by letting us connect you with nature this October!

Margaritas for Mockingbirds – A Fundraiser
Support Bedford Audubon while enjoying fresh, local food & drinks!

September Environmental Education + Bird Walks: What to Do
Step into Fall by Stepping into Nature with Bedford Audubon this September.