You’re invited to a screening of “Queen of the Sun” and Q&A! Help kick off the monthly Second Wednesday Series this week! The Native Beeology lecture last year was so popular, we decided to focus the spotlight on bees again. So, instead of a...
Scope at the HawkWatch by Katherine Dunn
Welcome Silvan & Charlotte to the HawkWatch Team! Please Give a Big Bedford Audubon Welcome to Silvan and Charlotte! The Chestnut Ridge HawkWatch is up and running for the season, staffed by Silvan Laan and Charlotte Catalano. Make sure to introduce yourself the...
Scope at the HawkWatch by Katherine Dunn
September Environmental Education: What to Do Fall in Love with Fall Migration this September with Bedford Audubon Migration is a biannual miracle. In the autumn, birds travel hundreds, and often thousands of miles, to Central or South America. They dodge predators,...
Kettle of Hawks by Richard Crossley
September Nature Almanac: What to Look for September Nature Almanac By Tait Johansson, Naturalist 6 Full Moon. 10 Nodding Lady’s Tresses, a small, elegant, white orchid, blooms about this time. Look for it in wet meadows. 17 Broad-winged Hawk migration...
Unique Rental Opportunity: Live on one of our Sanctuaries Unique Opportunity: Live at our Hunt-Parker Sanctuary! The Cottage at our Hunt-Parker Sanctuary is available for rent. Imagine waking up to beautiful birdsong every morning, and walking out to the screened...
Pipevine Swallowtail larvae by Krista Botting
Pipevine Lifeline: They’re on the Move Pipevine Lifeline: They’re on the Move The Pipevine Swallowtail caterpillars disperse from their host plant, the Dutchman’s Pipevine, each summer to pupate. They’ll overwinter inside their chrysalises, and...
The Great Equalizer: What do Birds do in the Rain Rain: The Great Equalizer By Krista Botting, Summer Field Biologist Gray clouds roll in, a breeze starts up, and you can smell ozone on the air. You know it’s coming. The birds know it’s coming. Even your dog knows...
Prickly Pear by Bob Rohr
Plants for a Deer Resistant Garden: Here Comes the Sun Plants for a Deer Resistant Garden: Here Comes the Sun By Alex Hall, Leon Levy Native Garden Intern Many people think deer resistant native plants are boring, green leafy foliage– however, there are many...
Red-banded Hairstreak by Tait Johansson
August Environmental Education Events: What to Do this Month Fun in the Field: August Environmental Education Events with Bedford Audubon Join us this August for fun in the field—learning about our butterflies, dragonflies, and damselflies! And don’t worry, there’s...
Mallards in front of solar eclipse in 2014 by Dallas Trinity Trails
August Nature Almanac: What to Look for this Month August Nature Almanac By Tait Johansson, Naturalist 5 Look for blooming stands of jewelweed, also called touch-me-not, in moist or moderate soils, often along streams. This plant’s orange flowers are a favorite...