April Environmental Education: What to Do Spring is in the Air: April Environmental Education Events with Bedford Audubon It still feels like winter, but the birds know spring is here! Join us for a walk, field trip and/or lecture this April to see what our feathered...
Lecture: Elana Kaplan: Birds in Art Please join us for our April 11th lecture (our monthly Second Wednesday Series) for “Metropolitan Birds” presented by Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Elana Kaplan. From East to West, from paintings to sculpture to...
Adult male
Hidalgo Co., TX
January 2009
March Environmental Education: What to Do Warm Up to Spring: March Environmental Education Events with Bedford Audubon With winter winding down, warm up to birds, and nature, by joining us for a walk or field trip this March! Tuesday, March 6, 7:30am-9:30am, First...
February Nature Almanac: What to Look for February Nature Almanac By Tait Johansson, Naturalist 1 Look for the small, paired tracks of Mink by streams, ponds, and lakes, often leading onto the ice or into the water. 12 As the days lengthen, on sunny mornings...
February Environmental Education: What to Do Love is for the Birds & More: February Environmental Education Events with Bedford Audubon With Valentine’s Day swiftly approaching this month, love is in the air! Open your heart up to birds, and nature, this...
Bedford Audubon Announces Change in Leadership Dear friends, I’m so honored to have served as Bedford Audubon’s Executive Director for the last six and a half years. You welcomed me into your community, and I treasure the friendships we’ve made. After much reflection,...
Bald Eagle by Tait Johansson
January Nature Almanac: What to Look for January Nature Almanac By Tait Johansson, Naturalist 2 Full Moon. 3-4 Quarantids meteor shower. 12 Look for the networks of tunnels made by Meadow Voles in snow. These abundant small mammals are an important food source for...
January Environmental Education: What to Do Start the New Year by Getting Outside: January Environmental Education Events with Bedford Audubon January 1 starts a fresh year, and a new bird list! You can start adding to your list right away by joining Bedford Audubon...