December 2022 Programs Our Dean’s Bridge walk is great for new and experienced birders!Join Naturalist Tait Johansson for his popular First Wednesday’s Bird Walk. Birds we might spy include Ring-necked Duck and other waterfowl, Brown Creeper, Winter Wren, and Swamp...
Join us for a Cape May Birding Extravaganza! Join us for a special Weekend Field Trip: Cape May Migration Bonanza! Fall migration is a great season to visit this first-class birding hot spot on the Jersey Shore. Our Naturalist-in-Residence, Tait Johansson, will...
What to Do: June Environmental Education Summer is Heating Up: June Environmental Education Events with Bedford Audubon Have you thought about your garden’s Spring/Summer transition? We have… Join Garden Director Mathew McDowell for his *new* Virtual Workshop – ...
A Message from Naturalist Tait Johansson C A L L T O A C T I O N Please join our Year-end Appeal, our biggest fundraiser. Your contribution will directly impact the success of our mission. Here at Bedford Audubon, we are grateful for the wonderful people who make...
East side of Gray Owl Cottage
Rent the “Gray Owl” Cottage on our Hunt-Parker Sanctuary Rent the “Gray Owl”, the charming cottage at our Hunt-Parker Sanctuary. Wake up to birdsong every morning in our two-story charming cottage located on the grounds of the Hunt-Parker Sanctuary at...
House Wren - June 12th, 2020
Connect with Us (and Nature) this Month: July Programming Summer is here, fledglings are squawking, and flowers are blooming. We’re offering a bouquet of programs this month – some are returning favorites, some are brand new and some are oldies with a new...
Welcoming Summer’s Sunny Days: June Programs Things are finally looking up! The days are getting longer, New York is slowly reopening, and Bylane Farm is bursting with life! We’ve been working harder than ever during this pandemic to connect with you and...
A Message from our Teen Council President Meet Cat Curry, President of our Teen Council, as she talks about what being part of Bedford Audubon has meant to her… If I’ve learned anything in the final years of my high school career, it is the company you keep is...
Spring has Sprung: May Programs Spring migration is underway, and as Tait says, it’s the most wonderful time of year! Baltimore Orioles have arrived, Bluebirds and Tree Swallows are nesting in our boxes, and blooms are emerging in our Leon Levy Native Garden....
Adult male
Hidalgo Co., TX
January 2009
April 2020 Nature Almanac April 2020 1 Male American Woodcocks displaying for females; listen for their nasal “peent” sound near dusk, in open areas near wetlands with dense shrubbery nearby. 7 Full Moon. 12 Spicebush in bloom. Look for this shrub’s pale yellow...