A Week of WonderMay 13 – 20 Get ready for Springathon ’21 – a very special week-long celebration of nature to support Bedford Audubon’s mission of connecting people with nature. This Week of Wonder will include an online auction, special...
A Message from Naturalist Tait Johansson C A L L T O A C T I O N Please join our Year-end Appeal, our biggest fundraiser. Your contribution will directly impact the success of our mission. Here at Bedford Audubon, we are grateful for the wonderful people who make...
A Message from our Teen Council President Meet Cat Curry, President of our Teen Council, as she talks about what being part of Bedford Audubon has meant to her… If I’ve learned anything in the final years of my high school career, it is the company you keep is...
November Programming – Let’s Connect with Nature! Keep your binoculars out, grab a book, and/or warm up with a lecture this November! As autumn passes by, there is still time to appreciate late migrating birds and the amazing diversity of waterfowl and...
November Lecture: Learn About Local River Otters Don’t miss Sarah Walkley’s lecture this November on “River Otter Behavior + Vocalizations in Westchester County and Beyond.” River otters are a secretive but very welcome member of...
October Programming – Walks, Lectures, Field Trips! Fall into October by Joining us for a Field Trip, Bird Walk or Lecture! Note: Our monthly lectures series will take place on THURSDAY this month! Did you know that bird migration links the lower Hudson Valley...