Celebrate the Season with Us! Have some fun this holiday season by coming to our V I R T U A LHoliday Open House Sunday, December 63:00-5:00pm This annual celebration is a favorite of Bedford Audubon staff + board members because it’s a time that we can...
Bylane Farm
Bylane Book Club: Good Birders Don’t Wear White – 50 Tips from North America’s Top Birders Please join us for a discussion of Good Birders Don’t Wear White50 Tips from North America’s Top Birders Monday, August 31 @ 6:30pm This is the...
Bylane Farm
Bylane Book Club: The Genius of Birds Please join us for a discussion of The Genius of Birds by Jennifer Ackerman Monday, July 13 @ 7pm If you think being called a birdbrain is an insult, July’s Book Club selection is a must-read! This myth will be debunked in...
Bylane “Virtual” Book Club: Flight Behavior New York is still on PAUSE – take advantage of time at home by reading “A majestic and brave novel… both intimate and enormous.” —The New York Times Book Review Then connect with our Bylane Book Club friends...
March Environmental Education: What to Do UPDATE: Our Third Thursday’s and Dance of the Woodcock walks are cancelled. Stay tuned for info on having a “virtual” book club meeting to discuss The Ravenmaster as scheduled on March 30th. Warm Up to...
Bylane Book Club: Where the Crawdads Sing Warm up with new friends at Bylane Farm this winter for a relaxing evening of conversation, sips + snacks. Where the Crawdads Sing has been on the New York Times Bestseller List for 60+ weeks… pick up a copy and learn...
January Environmental Education: What to Do Start the New Year by Getting Outside: January Environmental Education Events with Bedford Audubon January 1 starts a fresh year, and a new bird list! You can start adding to your list right away by joining Bedford Audubon...
Bylane Book Club: Hollow Kingdom Embrace the season by reading a “humorous, big-hearted, and boundlessly beautiful romp… where even a cowardly CROW can become a hero.” November’s Book Club selection is Hollow Kingdom by Kira Jane Buxton. In...
Bylane Farm
Bylane Book Club: My Family and Other Animals As summer winds down, read “A bewitching book” (Sunday Times) and join our fun and friendly Book Club discussion! September’s Book Club selection is My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Durrell. It’s a memoir “recounted...