Spring has Sprung: May Programs

Spring has Sprung: May Programs Spring migration is underway, and as Tait says, it’s the most wonderful time of year! Baltimore Orioles have arrived, Bluebirds and Tree Swallows are nesting in our boxes, and blooms are emerging in our Leon Levy Native Garden....

Spring Seed Sale Shop is Open!

It’s Bird Chirping Weather and Our Spring Seed Sale Shop is Open! Let’s face it… the biggest reason many of us feed the birds is for our own pleasure. But did you know that in the spring, our feathered friends can actually use our help in late...

February Environmental Education: What to Do

February Environmental Education: What to Do Embrace Winter with Bedford Audubon Inside + Out this February! There’s still time to participate in EagleWatch! It runs on Thursdays for the rest of this month beginning about 1.5 hours before sunset. Naturalist Tait...

January Environmental Education: What to Do

January Environmental Education: What to Do Start the New Year by Getting Outside: January Environmental Education Events with Bedford Audubon January 1 starts a fresh year, and a new bird list! You can start adding to your list right away by joining Bedford Audubon...

December Nature Programming: What to Do

December Nature Programming: What to Do Celebrate the Holidays AND Birds with Bedford Audubon this December! With the new year on the horizon, December is a wonderful time for reflection and to appreciate what we have in our backyard. Take some time this month to step...