August Nature Almanac: What to Look for this Month

August Nature Almanac

By Tait Johansson, Naturalist

5        Look for blooming stands of jewelweed, also called touch-me-not, in moist or moderate soils, often along streams. This plant’s orange flowers are a favorite of hummingbirds.

7        Full moon.

11-12  Peak of Perseid meteor shower.

20      A number of warbler species already migrating south through our area. Listen for their short, high-pitched flight notes overhead  on nights with winds with a northerly element.

21      Partial eclipse of the sun from 1:25-4:00pm; maximum around 1:45pm.

25      Roughly the peak of shorebird migration—a good time to check mudflats, both along the coast and inland, for sandpipers and plovers.


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