February Nature Almanac: What to Look for
February Nature Almanac
By Tait Johansson, Naturalist
1 Look for the small, paired tracks of Mink by streams, ponds, and lakes, often leading onto the ice or into the water.
12 As the days lengthen, on sunny mornings listen for an increase in singing from our winter birds such as chickadees, titmice, Carolina Wrens, and cardinals.
15 Red Maple flower buds now swelling in preparation for bloom, bringing a subtle reddish tinge to our wooded swamps.
20 Bald Eagles likely to be already incubating eggs in their massive stick nests along the Hudson and near local reservoirs.
25 Male Red-winged Blackbirds now returning to set up territories in anticipation of the arrival of females.

Bird Art Workshops
Are you ready to level up your creativity and connection with birds?

Leaving Summer Behind: September Programs
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Summer Birding: Hot August Programs
Some migratory birds start moving in August – don’t miss them!

Members’ Photo Exhibit Encore: New Canaan Library
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Chillin’ with Bedford Audubon: July Programs
Our July programs are on fire!

Buzzing into Summer: June Programs
Gardens are humming with activity, and so are we!

2024 Annual Meeting & Student Presentation
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Mad for Migration: May Programs
May is an exciting time to go birding. Join us!

New Spring Releases: April Programs
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Announcing Bird-A-Thon 2024
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