February Nature Almanac: What to Look for
February Nature Almanac
By Tait Johansson, Naturalist
1 Look for the small, paired tracks of Mink by streams, ponds, and lakes, often leading onto the ice or into the water.
12 As the days lengthen, on sunny mornings listen for an increase in singing from our winter birds such as chickadees, titmice, Carolina Wrens, and cardinals.
15 Red Maple flower buds now swelling in preparation for bloom, bringing a subtle reddish tinge to our wooded swamps.
20 Bald Eagles likely to be already incubating eggs in their massive stick nests along the Hudson and near local reservoirs.
25 Male Red-winged Blackbirds now returning to set up territories in anticipation of the arrival of females.

Bylane Book Club: My Family and Other Animals
Stay connected with nature by discussing a humorous memoir with Bedford Audubon members!

Lecture: Artificial Light and its Effect on Birds & Wildlife with Dr. Alan Clark
Did you know that many birds will be in peril during fall migration because of light pollution?

September Environmental Education + Bird Walks: What to Do
Step into Fall by Stepping into Nature with Bedford Audubon this September.

August Nature Walks and More!
Enjoy the last of long summer days by taking a walk with Bedford Audubon this August.

Connect with Nature this Summer: July Environmental Education
Take advantage of the long, summer days by joining Bedford Audubon for a nature walk this July. Too hot outside? Join us for our Book Club instead!

Lecture: Kendall O’Connell on Freshwater Turtles in New York
Come to our June lecture to learn about the turtles you may see in your backyard – or in the street!

Spring Open House @ Bylane Farm
There is something for everyone at Bedford Audubon’s Spring Open House! Ask the Naturalist, Native Gardening, Childrens’ Storywalk, Binocular Training and more!

What to Do: June Environmental Education
Join Bedford Audubon this June as summer begins to heat up.

2018-19 Audubon Photography Awards Exhibition
View Audubon Award-winning photos at our Opening Reception on June 6th or at our Open House on June 8th.

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius) is a colorful, distinctive woodpecker that frequents deciduous wood. Like most of our woodpeckers, adult sapsuckers are largely a patterned black and white, but with a bright red cap and (on males) a bright red...