December Nature Almanac: What to Look for

December Nature Almanac

By Tait Johansson, Naturalist

3     Full Moon.

8     Numbers of wintering waterfowl such as Buffleheads and Ring-necked Ducks increasing on our reservoirs, lakes, and rivers as more of these birds continue to arrive from our north.

13-14 Geminid meteor shower, usually the year’s most prolific and reliable meteor shower, peaks in the pre-dawn hours of the 14th.

15    Listen for the very high-pitched, birdlike “seeeh” sound emitted by flying squirrels at night. This sound can often be elicited from the squirrels by a Barred Owl call.

21    Winter Solstice, the day with the shortest period of daylight all year.

22-23 Ursids meteor shower.

31    Great Horned Owls, our earliest nester, already on nesting territories. Great Horned Owls usually use old raptor or crow nests, but will also nest in large, old, dead trees.

Photo Credit: Great Horned Owl by Tait Johansson


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