February 2024 Programs Registration is required for all programs by emailing Susan at info@bedfordaudubon.org unless otherwise specified. We have binoculars!If you’d like to borrow a pair, please ask when you register. , NYWondering where to find raptors in winter?...
January 2024 Programs Registration is required for all programs by emailing Susan at info@bedfordaudubon.org unless otherwise specified. We have binoculars!If you’d like to borrow a pair, please ask when you register. Wondering where to find raptors in winter? Join...
February Environmental Education: What to Do Embrace Winter with Bedford Audubon Inside + Out this February! There’s still time to participate in EagleWatch! It runs on Thursdays for the rest of this month beginning about 1.5 hours before sunset. Naturalist Tait...