Bedford Audubon's bird-A-Thon 2025 weekend

Bird any time between Friday, May 2 through Sunday, May 4

Team Up to Make a Difference!

Bedford Audubon’s Bird-A-Thon is a fun, friendly competition that’s all about birds and conservation – and it’s right around the corner, so sign up today!

Last year’s event was a tremendous success. Four teams raised $31,000 and identified 167 species while traveling all over the tri-state area. It was an incredible adventure for all. This year will be even better – we’d love to have you join us!

Please join us in supporting Bedford Audubon’s 2025 Bird-A-Thon! This year, our goal is to raise $35,000 to fund habitat management on our 575 acres of sanctuaries and to pay for university-aged field staff. Our seasonal staff will work tirelessly during the summer months, learning how to monitor nesting species while providing Bedford Audubon with the data needed to improve nesting habitat.

It’s easy to participate in Bird-A-Thon 2025! The first step is to decide if you want to join a team, create your own team, or participate as an individual, then decide on a 24-hour window during the weekend to get out and identify as many bird species as you can. And while you’re having fun, you’ll also help Bedford Audubon’s conservation efforts by raising funds to support our work!

There are several ways to participate. No matter your preference, there is a category in our Bird-A-Thon that you can participate in and even win prizes for your efforts! Please join us by:

  • Forming a team of your own
  • Joining one of Bedford Audubon’s teams
  • Participating on your own
  • Finanacially supporting our efforts to raise funds for education and habitat preservation

All of us at Bedford Audubon are proud of the conservation, science, and educational programs we provide every day to support wildlife in our community. We are committed to reversing bird population and habitat declines through grassroots efforts, educating and empowering the next generation of conservationists, and inspiring people across our region to work for healthier and environmentally sound communities. Please be part of our Bird-A-Thon to amplify our impact… join our flock today.

How It Works

Bird-A-Thon team members collect pledges from sponsors to raise money based on either the number of species they identify in a 24-hour period or through a straightforward donation to Bedford Audubon. Pledges can range from 25¢ up right up to hundreds of dollars for each species identified.

Teams/ Individual participants keep track of the birds they identify using eBird and then share their lists with us (eBird username: BAS-BAT). For detailed instructions on how to use eBird, check out this free online course: eBird Essentials.

You can do it alone, with a group of old friends, or meet new friends by joining one of Bedford Audubon’s teams. You don’t have to be an expert – some people even do Bird-A-Thons from their couch, counting the visitors to their feeder. Others cover hundreds of miles in a day, racking up impressive numbers of species overall (one of last year’s teams logged 153 species!). The key is to have fun!

This is a friendly and informative competition to help you learn more about the birds and conservation needs of our area while you help support Bedford Audubon protect these birds and their habitats. Please join us – the birds need you!

Register Here

By joining our Bird-A-Thon you can inform the public about bird conservation, raise funds for our education and conservation programs, provide data that informs our conservation work and have great fun! No matter how you decide to participate, we know we can count on you!

Full details and guidelines will be given to each registered participant. Have questions? Email Susan: