2023 Year-end Appeal: What Bedford Audubon Means to our Program Registrar

by Nov 28, 2023News0 comments

If you’ve connected with Bedford Audubon, your first point of contact was likely Susan Sloan. Learn how she came to be Bedford Audubon’s dynamic Program Registrar and what it means to her.

“Birds, it turns out, are beautiful, fascinating messengers, bringing us important news about the health of our planet.” – Susan Sloan

Dear Friends,

All the best letters start with a confession, so let me make one to you right now: I became the registrar for Bedford Audubon before ever going on a bird walk. With any organization. Ever. Don’t get me wrong, for most of my adult life, I have been passionate about conservation and native gardening, which are central to the mission of Bedford Audubon. But as for the actual bird walking, well, that came later, after I took on the role. So how did I come to be the registrar for an organization whose primary activity is one I’d never actually done? Good question!

To answer it, you need to know a little about my good friend – and the current president of Bedford Audubon – Susan Fisher. Susan and I met when our oldest children were in first grade. We became fast friends while volunteering with various PTA committees, and when our youngest girls entered kindergarten, we teamed up as Girl Scout co-leaders. Working together over the 10 years we led our troop – sleeping in tents, building fires, making crafts (so many crafts!), always surrounded by the gleeful demands of our flock of young girls – changes a friendship into something closer to a sisterhood. And when your sister asks you to help out at the organization that she is most passionate about, for the cause that she holds dearest to her heart, you do not hesitate.

I know you’re also passionate about our mission of protecting birds and their habitats, and we are grateful for your support.

Educating myself about the mission here at Bedford Audubon has been a wonderfully eye-opening experience for me. What I had thought of as “that birding organization” is so much more, with a mission and philosophy that is broader in scope and more globally relevant than I had imagined. Birds, it turns out, are beautiful, fascinating messengers, bringing us important news about the health of our planet. They are environmental ambassadors, inspiring us to care more about this earth, imploring us to protect them and by doing so, protect the planet we share. As you can probably tell from reading this, Susan Fisher’s passion has now truly become my passion as well.

Won’t you please make a donation to Bedford Audubon this holiday season? Your gift will provide the resources needed to inspire even more people to embrace the beauty of birds and what it takes to sustain them and their habitats.

While I have not become an expert birder as of yet (despite the best efforts of our fabulous, knowledgeable and infinitely patient naturalist, Tait Johansson), I have become a passionate one. Going on walks and meeting Bedford Audubon’s family of fellow enthusiasts has solidified my passion. From the experts who arrive on our walks with cameras and scopes and an encyclopedic knowledge of all things avian, to the newbies who come to us without any experience or even a pair of binoculars (we always have pairs to lend you, all you need to do is ask!), Bedford Audubon is a welcoming, supportive home to all.

Please consider making a donation this season. Your contribution can help spark a passion in so many other peoples. And that makes a difference!

Thank you as always for your support,

Susan Sloan
Volunteer Program Registrar and Member

P.S. Please give a gift today. You can also call us at 914-232-1999 to make your donation.



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Susan creates and runs programs! Here, she is with a student at Bylane Farm.

Susan loves our programs! Here she is at on the viewing platform at Breakfast with the Hawks.