VIRTUAL Public Lecture: Bluebirds – and More!
Bedford Audubon is thrilled to welcome John Rogers, co-founder of the NYS Bluebird Society as he presents
Thursday, March 3 @ 7:00pm
This inspiring and informative virtual presentation will include the life history of the Eastern Bluebird, other birds that nest in bluebird boxes, nest box manaagement, and more. While focusing on bluebirds, John will also share his love for the natural world in the hope that participants will take away some broader and deeper messages about nature. The program has variety, feeling, and is inspirational. Sprinkled throughout are wildflowers, butterflies, and other birds, quotes by some of the great naturalists of the past, and more. With beautiful photographs, sounds, and a sincere, enthusiastic presentation style,this program will be of interesst to anyone who appreciates nature.
About John
John has maintained a trail of bluebird nest boxes in central New York north of Syracuse for over four decades. He has done bluebird slide programs and workshops for hundreds of organizations in 12 states and two Canadian provinces. John co-founded the New York State Bluebird Society in 1982 and was elected a lifetime (volunteer) board member in 2002. He has received numerous awards for his bluebird conservation work including the Bluebird Conservation Award from the North American Bluebird Society. He is a past board member of that organization. In 2010, John received the Hero of Conservation Award fromt he Syracuse Post Standard. John is an experienced birder and member of the Onondaga Audubon Society in Syracuse. He received a BA in Biology at SUNY Oswego and lives with his wife Sue in Oneida.
To register, please email or call 914-302-9713. A Zoom link will be emailed to registrants prior to the event.
Photo credits: Above: Eastern Bluebirds (female and male) AdobeStock. Right: John Rogers.
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