Bylane Book Club: Good Birders Don’t Wear White – 50 Tips from North America’s Top Birders
Please join us for a discussion of
Good Birders Don’t Wear White
50 Tips from North America’s Top Birders
Monday, August 31 @ 6:30pm
This is the perfect time to lighten things up, and the August book selection won’t disappoint! Good Birders Don’t Wear White is a light and fun read – perfect for birders of all levels of expertise.
In these 50 light and fun original essays, the biggest names in birding dispense advice to birders of every level. Whether satirizing bird snobs or relating the traditions and taboos of the birding culture, each essay is as chock-full of helpful information as it is entertaining.
“Experienced bird-watchers will be familiar with most of these tips, but the book is a delight to read and will generate new enthusiasm for the hobby. The 25 black-and-white line drawings are hilarious.” – Booklist
If possible with the recent storm damage, the meeting will take place outside at Bylane Farm with a call-in option for anyone who would prefer to join the discussion remotely. If we’re not able to meet in-person, the discussion will be via Zoom.
In-person space is limited and registration required by emailing Susan at or by calling (914) 302-9713.
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