A Message from our Teen Council President
Meet Cat Curry, President of our Teen Council, as she talks about what being part of Bedford Audubon has meant to her…
If I’ve learned anything in the final years of my high school career, it is the company you keep is the keystone to growth and development. For me, along with countless others across our community, Bedford Audubon has been an integral part of my education.
Every very few months I find myself sitting in the west room in the historic farmhouse at Bedford Audubon’s Bylane Farm to meet with the Teen Council. We are a group of teens who are eager to learn about our local ecology, about ornithology, and about ourselves. Last year at our very first meeting, we all went around the table to share our reasons for getting involved with Bedford Audubon. Responses varied, from passions for hiking and outdoor activities to a love of ecology, but one constant was an appreciation of the land we live on and the species that surround us.
As a member of the Bedford Audubon community, I know you also share those appreciations.
Being surrounded by so many like-minded teens with similar goals and concerns is incredibly inspiring. Through this newly formed Teen Council, we work together on projects such as trail maintenance in the sanctuaries and spreading awareness about the environment, nature, and birds at our schools.
When you make a donation to Bedford Audubon, you provide an opportunity for people of all ages to join a community that learns, shares, and appreciates nature.
A similar feeling of community and interconnectivity can be felt at the lectures at the Katonah Village Library. Each month, Bedford Audubon brings in an incredible speaker versed in topics ranging from climate change, to specific habitats in the area, and even to the relationship between music and birds. Audience members have varying knowledge spanning from people who are lifelong birders to high schoolers like me!
In fact, my relationship with Bedford Audubon was fostered in the lecture room of the Katonah Library. I was introduced to the lecture series through John Jay High School’s AP Environmental Science class last year, and I attended my first lecture with the promise of a few extra credit points added to my cumulative grade. Little did I know I would be suddenly immersed in a new world of environmental activism and a community that has been flying (pun intended) right under my nose!
Having lived in this area since I was born, my whole life has been centered around the woods and wetlands of Westchester. I’m so fortunate to have found Bedford Audubon – an organization that offers the same connection to and passion for our natural surroundings as I have.
Won’t you please help support this amazing organization? A contribution to Bedford Audubon goes far, both in helping to connect like-minded people with birds and nature and for the preservation of our local habitats which support these birds.
Please donate to Bedford Audubon Society today. Your support will make a difference. Thank you very much.
– Cat Curry
Have questions? Contact us: info@bedfordaudubon.org