Bylane Book Club: My Family and Other Animals
As summer winds down, read “A bewitching book” (Sunday Times) and join our fun and friendly Book Club discussion!
September’s Book Club selection is My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Durrell. It’s a memoir “recounted with immense humor and charm, it is a wonderful account of a rare and magical childhood. From the New York Times: A lot of frolic, fun, and charming ribaldry, as well as the warm feeling of having been transported to a lovely spot where worry is unknown and anything is believable.”
Please join us at Bylane Farm on Monday, September 23, @ 6:30pm for refreshments; discussion begins at 7:00. Bylane Farm, 35 Todd Rd., Katonah. For planning purposes, please register with Susan at or call (914) 232-1999.
Photo Credit: Bylane Farm by Susan Fisher
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