Gold Award & Eagle Scout Projects

Wood Thrush with Geolocator by Emily Patterson

Available Gold Award & Eagle Scout Projects

Each portion of the project is rated on a scale of $ (low time or money), $$ (moderate time or money), and $$$ (advanced time or money).

James Ramsay Hunt & Mary Welsh Parker Memorial Sanctuary Entrance

  • Project description: Remove invasive plants and plant native species, make minor repairs to dry stack stone walls, and erect new entrance sign at the Todd Road side of the Sanctuary.
  • Fundraising/In-Kind Estimate: $$
  • Planning Estimate: $
  • Hands-on Time Estimate: $$$
  • Other Requirements: Your mentor must have with some experience with stone walls
  • Location: John Ramsey Hunt & Mary Welsh Parker Memorial Sanctuary, 35/36 Todd Road, Katonah (a KLSD bus stops here).

Kiosk Design & Construction

  • Project description: Construct new informational kiosks for remaining trailheads at the James Ramsay Hunt & Mary Welsh Parker Memorial Sanctuary (2 locations remain).
  • Fundraising/In-Kind Estimate: $$$ (mostly lumber)
  • Planning Estimate: $
  • Hands-on Time Estimate: $$
  • Other Requirements: Your mentor must have significant woodworking experience, but Eagle Scout Matt Galea has created a step-by-step presentation for building our kiosks.
  • Location: John Ramsey Hunt & Mary Welsh Parker Memorial Sanctuary, 35/36 Todd Road, Katonah (a KLSD bus stops at our here).
  • Note: If the Council requires additional elements for your Project, please discuss adding native plantings or additional signs to your Project with the Executive Director.

Native Plant Propagation Garden Construction

  • Project description: Help us turn our old Bird Friendly Vegetable Garden into a Native Plant Propagation Garden—where we can grow plants to supply our Leon Levy Native Garden, wildlife sanctuaries, and to sell to the public as fundraisers. This project includes repairing/replacing sections of deer fence, installing a permanent gate, and removing old planting beds and installing new ones, possibly adding a shade trellis or structure.
  • Fundraising/In-Kind Estimate: $$
  • Planning Estimate: $
  • Hands-on Time Estimate: $$
  • Location: John Ramsey Hunt & Mary Welsh Parker Memorial Sanctuary, 35/36 Todd Road, Katonah (a KLSD bus stops at here).

Boardwalk Design & Construction

  • Project description: A Red Maple Swamp in the Hunt-Parker Sanctuary is home to Bedford Audubon’s Monitoring Avian Productivity & Survivorship (“MAPS”) bird banding project. MAPS is conducted annually in June, July, and August. The banding station needs several short runs of boardwalk constructed from a composite material to improve access to mist nets from the central banding location.
  • Fundraising/In-Kind Estimate: $$$
  • Planning Estimate: $
  • Hands-on Time Estimate: $$
  • Other Requirements: Mentor with significant woodworking experience.
  • Location: John Ramsey Hunt & Mary Welsh Parker Memorial Sanctuary, 36 Todd Road, Katonah

Old Field & Meadow Restoration Projects

  • Project description: Remove invasive species such as Japanese Barberry and Tartarian Honeysuckle and replace with native species such as Northern Bayberry, Sweetfern, Golden Groundsell, and milkweeds.
  • Fundraising/In-Kind Estimate: $$
  • Planning Estimate: $
  • Hands-on Time Estimate: $$$
  • Other Requirements: Plantings are best achieved in early spring (April/May) or late fall (late September/October).
  • Location: John Ramsey Hunt & Mary Welsh Parker Memorial Sanctuary, 35/36 Todd Road, Katonah (a KLSD bus stops here).
  • Note: With sufficient notice, Bedford Audubon may be able to apply for a grant to offset a portion of the cost of plants.

Before you get started, please read our Project Guidelines with your parents.