Summer Field Biologist

Northern Flicker Underwing by Janelle Robbins

Summer Field Biologist

of Bedford Audubon is pleased to announce the availability of a ten-week paid opportunity in field biology, located at Bylane Farm, our center of operations in Katonah, New York.

About Bedford Audubon Society

Bedford Audubon’s mission is to connect people to nature.

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that owns and manages nearly 600 acres of stunning wildlife habitat in four sanctuaries, with more than seven miles of scenic trails. Our largest sanctuary includes Bylane Farm, our historic 1700s center of operations and home to our offices, the John Bull Library, and the Leon Levy Native Garden.

Since our founding on February 13, 1913, Bedford Audubon has celebrated the natural heritage of the lower Hudson Valley and provided conservation excellence in the communities of northern Westchester and eastern Putnam counties. Today, Bedford Audubon continues to be the local authority on birds and habitat. We look forward to the next one hundred years as we continue to promote environmental literacy and experiential learning, conduct critical research, and protect and conserve wildlife habitat in our community while being a credible voice on local conservation issues and promoting sound environmental decision-making.

Required Skills & Qualities

The ideal candidate for the Summer Field Biology Opportunity is an enthusiastic individual with a passion for environmental conservation and field biology. The candidate should have experience with mist netting and bird banding, possess bird and plant identification skills.

A cheerful eagerness to work in a public setting is required. The candidate should be self-motivated, and able to successfully work independently and in a supportive team atmosphere.

Further, the candidate should be in good physical condition and able to work outside for extended periods as well as in a casual yet professional office setting.

Candidates should provide their own binoculars.

Core Intern Responsibilities

  • Participate in our Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) research program. This includes site preparation, bird extraction from mist nets, banding, data collection and management, and data reporting. MAPS is a North American research project led by the Institute for Bird Populations. There are more than 500 MAPS Stations across the continent. MAPS is a rigorous scientific endeavor, utilizing demographic techniques specifically recommended for monitoring the effectiveness of avian conservation efforts. The data provide critical information relating to the ecology, conservation, and management of North American landbird populations, and the factors responsible for changes in their populations.
  • Aid in the development of sanctuary management plans and executing plans. This includes identifying emerging invasive species and researching and implementing best practices for management, monitoring for evidence of pollution and other habitat degradation, identifying ideal point count locations, updating sanctuary wildlife checklists, and positioning and checking camera traps.
  • Additional opportunities for research and activity (e.g., communications and marketing, development, environmental education, etc.)  are available, depending on the candidate’s experience and personal goals.
  • Assist in the smooth operation of Bedford Audubon.
  • A final report is required before the culmination of the internship opportunity, for publication on Bedford Audubon’s website, and funding and partnering organizations. The report can take the form of a written summary, series of blog postings or photo blogs, video, PowerPoint presentation, or some combination.

Opportunity Summary


  • 10-weeks from mid-May through mid-August (start & end dates are flexible*)
  • Housing at Bylane Farm, 35 Todd Road, Katonah, NY 10536 is available

*Start and end dates are flexible depending on academic and personal schedules. Please include any date restrictions in the cover letter.

Interested in this opportunity? Email