November Environmental Programming
Be present in all the things and thankful for all things. – Maya Angelou
With Thanksgiving approaching, it’s only natural to reflect on things for which we can be thankful. At Bedford Audubon, we are grateful for so much, especially for the opportunity to connect with you and nature! As the days grow shorter, we hope you’ll take advantage of one or more of our programs.
Last call to get some R&R with Bedford Audubon this fall!
We’re talking about Raptors & Research! We’ve been collecting scientific data on raptor migration at the Chestnut Ridge Hawkwatch since mid-August, but our last day is coming up. Check it out at our viewing platform that offers spectacular views of the hills of Putnam County, towns such as Bedford, North Castle, and Greenwich, and Long Island Sound. The raptors you might see migrate from their northern breeding grounds in Canada and northern New England to their wintering grounds in the southern US and Central + South America.
Daily through Monday, November 20 from 9:00am-5:00pm (weather permitting). Arthur Butler Sanctuary on Chestnut Ridge Road in Bedford Corners. Head up the Orange Trail staying parallel to the fence line and you will come to the viewing platform. Cost: Free. Level of difficulty: Moderate. No registration necessary.
It’s a first AND a Recognized Important Bird Area (IBA).
Join Naturalist Tait Johansson for our first fall Field Trip to Milford Point + Silver Sands State Park in Connecticut. Milford Point has tidal marsh and beach habitats and has been named an IBA largely due to its significance for migrant and nesting shorebirds plus the marsh’s importance for waterfowl, wading birds + other species. Silver Sands is comprised of woodland edge, grassland, beach and restored salt marsh + dune areas. It is also an IBA for both wintering + nesting birds. Silver Sands State Park is a regularly used wintering area for winter raptors that include Rough-legged Hawk, Snowy and Short-eared Owls.
Sunday, November 15, 8:00am-1:00pm. Cost: Free. Level of Difficulty: Easy-Moderate. Meet at 8:00am at Milford Point Road or meet at Bylane to caravan at 6:45am. Bring lunch. Registration is limited and required by emailing Susan at or calling 914-302-9713.
Tired of reality? We have the perfect solution!
As the evenings draw in, cozy up with Alan Hlad’s novel The Long Flight Home, then join us for a Zoom discussion with Bylane Book Club friends. A USA Today bestseller “Inspired by fascinating, true, yet little-known events during World War II, The Long Flight Home is a testament to the power of courage in our darkest hours—a moving, masterfully written story of love and sacrifice.” Hlad’s debut snares readers with its fresh angle on the blitz of WWII, focusing on the homing pigeons used by the British, and the people who trained and cared for them. Descriptions of the horrors of war and the excitement of battle are engaging, and the unusual element of the carrier pigeons lends an intriguing twist. This story will speak not only to romance readers and WWII buffs but also to animal advocates and anyone who enjoys discovering quirky details that are hidden in history. This book is available to borrow from the Westchester Library System or is available to purchase across a variety of platforms in print, electronically and on audio.
Monday, November 16, 7:00pm. Cost: Free. Registration is required by emailing Susan at or calling 914-302-9713. A Zoom link will be emailed to participants on November 16th prior to the virtual meeting which you can use to join the discussion. We look forward to seeing you!
Get some pre-Thanksgiving exercise by joining us for our popular monthly walk…
Pop over to Join Naturalist Tait Johansson for our Third Thursday’s Bird Walk, a favorite that often fills up. There are always friendly faces and there’s a good chance that we’ll see something that will make everyone smile.
Thursday, November 19, 7:30-9:30am. Cost: Free. Level of Difficulty: Easy. Registration is limited and required by emailing Susan at or calling 914-302-9713.
Photo Credits
Top: Yellow-rumped Warbler by Rudra Sinha. Photo taken on our Oct. 31, 2020 field trip to Croton Point Park.
Side Bar: This month’s Book Club Selection.
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