Annual Meeting + Public Lecture: Survival by Degrees by Ana Paula Tavares
Please join us for a public VIRTUAL presentation of
Survival by Degrees by Ana Paula Tavares
July 15th @ 7:00pm
The Fall 2019 issue of Audubon magazine explored Audubon’s climate change report, Survival by Degrees: 389 Species on the Brink. This report builds on Audubon’s original climate study and provides forecasts for birds in North America under various global warming scenarios. You saw the headlines – as many as 389 out of 604 bird species could be at risk without the immediate reduction in carbon emissions.
In her lecture, Audubon New York + Connecticut’s Ana Paula Tavares will speak about the ways this climate report is informing action on a local level, the reasons conservation efforts are essential, and what you can do to help your local community. Don’t miss this special event!
About Ana Paula Tavares
As Executive Director of Audubon New York and Audubon Connecticut, Tavares is leading an unique and important effort to coordinate forces for regional and hemispheric conservation. Under Tavares’ leadership, two influential state programs and seven local nature centers are aligning strategies in order to drive conservation action at scale, in collaboration with 32 Audubon local chapters. Tavares oversees strategies and the implementation of work that help people, birds and other wildlife thrive, from healthy forests to resilient coasts and wetlands, climate and environmental advocacy, and local, community based conservation. Tavares comes to Audubon after an 18-year tenure at Rainforest Alliance, where she served as the Executive Vice President.
The lecture will begin at 7:00pm directly following the virtual Bedford Audubon Annual Meeting for Members.
About the Bedford Audubon Annual Meeting for Members…
The Annual Meeting for members begins at 6:30pm. After a brief year-end review presented by Board president Simon Brocklehurst, our Board elections will take place. Two candidates are running for open Board positions. Bedford Audubon members in good standing are eligible to vote in the election. If you are a current member and can’t attend the Annual Meeting virtually, you can vote by proxy. Please email Suzanne Cahill at to request a proxy (or if you have questions about your membership status).
Introducing the two candidates who are running for open Board positions…
Ian MacLean grew up in New Hampshire + Vermont on a farm with an apple orchard, and later working in the woods and at a lumber mill. He attended college in St. Lawrence county and law school in NYC. Ian is a problem-solver and became an attorney primarily to satisfy a desire to resolve conflicts. His career is based in the NYC metro area.
Ian lives in Northern Westchester with his wife and children, and they all love the outdoors. He believes birds, in addition to being wonderful entertainers, are a big part of helping us understand our duty to preserve, renew, and use our environmental resources wisely. These beliefs align with Bedford Audubon’s dedication to land + habitat preservation and connecting people to nature.
Although he considers himself “barely a novice birder,” Ian is intrigued by the shuffling of the pecking order at his feeders, and has several favorite birds, admiring the majesty of the American Bald Eagle, the speed, moxie and determination of the North American Kestrel, the persistence of the Downy Woodpecker, the patience of the Barred Owl, the devotion to community of Emperor Penguins and the detached socialness of the Loon (among others).
Lucas Tanner fell in love with the wildlife and nature of northern Westchester over the past 25 years living here. He wants to dedicate efforts towards preserving this fragile ecosystems for future generations to come.
Lucas is an entrepreneurial executive with 27 years of diverse hands-on operating experience leading nonprofit and for-profit enterprises. After a career in investment banking and entrepreneurship, he became increasingly passionate about mission based work. In his most recent position, Lucas has served as the interim co-executive director of the Greyston Foundation in Yonkers to fight poverty through workforce development programs. Before joining Greyston, Lucas co-founded five venture-backed companies and worked in investment banking for 13 years.
Lucas earned an MBA in finance from Columbia University and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of California at Berkeley. He is a certified nonprofit accounting professional.
Lucas grew up in New York City and Rome, Italy. He currently lives in northern Westchester with his wife of 25 years. He has two grown sons and a passel of pets including two springer spaniels named Grizzley and May, and a poodle named Petey.
Photo Info: Mosaic: Charis Tsevis. Owl reference photo: Niall Benvie/NPL/Minden Pictures. Photos: Dominic Arenas/Audubon, Camilla Cerea/Audubon, Mike Fernandez/Audubon, Luke Franke/Audubon, Hillary Shedd/Audubon. CLICK HERE for more info.
Have questions? Contact us:

Are there more candidates than open places on the board?
Are others up for re-election and are there bios on them?
Will the link for the Zoom meeting be sent before the meeting?
Yes, the link will be sent the morning of July 15.
Board members are elected for three year terms. No board members are up for reelection this year. Please email Suzanne at for more info.