Welcome Silvan & Charlotte to the HawkWatch Team!
Please Give a Big Bedford Audubon Welcome to Silvan and Charlotte!
The Chestnut Ridge HawkWatch is up and running for the season, staffed by Silvan Laan and Charlotte Catalano. Make sure to introduce yourself the next time you head up to the HawkWatch platform to take in the miracle of migration.
Read on for a list of planned HawkWatch events in the coming month!
August 25 through November 22, 9am-5pm, Science in Action: Experience the Miracle of Migration at the Chestnut Ridge HawkWatch. Join us at the Chestnut Ridge HawkWatch located at TNC’s Arthur Butler Sanctuary in Bedford Corners every day, weather permitting, to experience the miracle of raptor migration. Our data is combined with other sites across North America to create powerful population and migration analyses that help us better protect raptors and their habitat. No registration required—we’ll see you there!
Saturday, September 16, 10am-12pm, Field Trip: Broad-winged Hawk Migration at the Chestnut Ridge HawkWatch. Join this year’s HawkWatch Team for the peak of Broadwing migration, which can result in seeing thousands of hawks in a single day! Meet at the parking lot of the Arthur Butler Sanctuary at 9:45am. Level of difficulty: Easy-moderate (the walk up to the HawkWatch is uphill, but there are bleachers at the platform). Cost: Free. Please register in advance with Susan at info@bedfordaudubon.org or 914.302.9713.
Saturday, September 23, 10am-12pm, Field Trip: Peak Migration at Chestnut Ridge HawkWatch. Meet up with the HawkWatch Team for Broad-winged Hawks, joined by increasing numbers of other migrant raptors such as Sharp-shinned Hawks, American Kestrels, Ospreys, and Bald Eagles. Meet at the parking lot of the Arthur Butler Sanctuary at 9:45am. Level of difficulty: Easy-moderate (the walk to the HawkWatch is uphill, but there are bleachers at the platform). Cost: Free. Please register in advance with Susan at info@bedfordaudubon.org or 914.302.9713.
Thursday, October 12, 9-11am, Special Event: Breakfast with the Hawks. Join us for a complimentary breakfast at the HawkWatch, right around the peak of Cooper’s Hawk migration. Perfect for families, though all children must be accompanied by an adult. Co-sponsored by Westmoreland Sanctuary. Meet at the HawkWatch platform at the Arthur Butler Sanctuary, 265 Chestnut Ridge Road, Bedford Corners. Cost: Free. Level of difficulty: Easy-moderate. Please register with Susan at info@bedfordaudubon.org or 914-302-9713.