Find Inspiration with Our Garden Tours this Season Join us this season for a series of area garden tours in New York and Connecticut. The gardens feature both native plants and an exploration of gardens designed by Beatrix Farrand (1872-1959), a pioneering landscape...
Native trumpet honeysuckle by Bob Rohr
Ten Reasons to Volunteer in our Leon Levy Native Garden 1. It’s a great way for you to learn more about native plants— no prior experience necessary, and we welcome all ages and abilities! 2. You’ll get to see and hear lots of fabulous birds that...
Free Lecture “Vultures: The Private Life of an Unloved Bird” on June 14 Join us for a free public lecture on “Vultures: The Private Life of an Unloved Bird” with author Katie Fallon on Wednesday, June 14 at the Katonah Village Library Vultures...
Forest of fireflies by University of Florida
June Nature Almanac 5 Look for Hobomok Skippers, a small but striking orange, brown, and yellow butterfly, zipping by you as you walk along the edges of deciduous woods. 9 Full Moon. 15 Listen for Eastern Gray Tree Frogs’ loud, ringing, bird-like trill on warm...